WELCOME SUMMER WITH THEBOOKJEANIE This week a dear friend sent me a picture of her lastest quilt, created for two young girls who live by a lake in Wisconsin. I wanted to share this quilt with you, a delightful pattern of pairs for the sisters "to cuddle under while reading books." This brings to mind Laura Ingalls Wilder and her sisters, deep in the Wisconsin woods, warmed no doubt by a lovingly made quilt and surely having spent many nights reading by the light of a kerosene lamp. Hopefully the two young girls by the lake have discovered Wilder's Little House series and have spread their quilt on the soft grass next to the lake to read and dream of those sisters long ago. The Seattle Public Library proudly set the record for the longest domino chain made entirely of books. To watch this incredible chain reaction, click on this link: http://io9.com/watch-the-worlds-longest-domino-chain-made-of-books-513633327 Isaac opens his...